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Comparing the differences between the hcg diet plan and the atkins diet protocol

By John D Greene

In the recent years, people have been following various diet plans however the basic principle for losing weight is by the consumption of fewer calories than your body exerts. It is often a hard task to choose the right diet regime that fits your lifestyle, metabolism, and food preferences. However, one can successfully lose weight with physician's advice that can help you from choosing the right plan. Moreover, it is important to understand the concept of any diet plan to reap the benefits.

Currently, the most widely accepted diet plans are the HCG diet and Atkins diet although medical advice is mandatory before beginning with any plan. The HCG diet includes daily administration of hormone injections followed by the calorie restriction, while the Atkins diet promotes the restricted intake of carbohydrates. One can succeed in achieving the weight loss goal by familiarizing oneself with both concepts. Let's discuss about Dr. Simeons HCG diet plan and Dr. Atkins diet plan in detail.

The HCG Diet has been practiced since 1950s and it became public during 1970s when introduced by Dr. A. T. W. Simeons to treat overweight. It includes a daily dose of HCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone injection that is isolated from the urine of a pregnant female. While following this diet, one should take a very low-calorie diet of less than 500 calories per day to burn excess fat out of the system. Dr. Simeons advices intake of 2 small meals daily that contain sources of lean protein, fresh fruits and non-starchy vegetables.

While on HCG diet, dieters should cut-off certain carbohydrates however, they can take Grissini breadsticks or Melba toast. Dr. A.T.W. Simeons performed a research to determine the daily ratio of carbohydrate intake to avoid the carbohydrate imbalance. One can control weight even after the HCG diet program as the hypothalamus gland (modulates various functions like hunger, body temperature, thirst, sleep, fatigue, and circadian rhythm) is re-set by the body during this period. Based on weight, the low caloric phase of the HCG Diet, can last from between 23 - 45 days. The best part of HCG diet protocol is that you are least likely to develop ketosis as it allows the intake of some carbohydrates.

In contrast, the Atkins diet as the name suggests was introduced in 1970s by Dr. Robert C. Atkins to attain rapid weight loss. The diet requires intake of lesser carbohydrate (healthy carbs) to attain sustained weight loss. The first phase requires daily intake of less than 20g of carbohydrates however, one can take 50 to 100g of carbs based on the carbohydrate tolerance level. During this period, items like sausages, non-starchy vegetables, cheese, fish, cream, bacon, butter, meat, and coconut oil can be taken. Items like muffins, bread, pasta, potatoes, soft drinks, rice, breakfast cereals, sugar, fruits, and desserts should be avoided.

It is advised to decrease the carb intake by consuming non-starchy vegetables, meat, bacon, fish, sausages, butter, cream, cheese, and coconut oil. Meanwhile, one should avoid taking rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, muffins, fruits, breakfast cereals, sugar, soft drinks, and desserts. Compared to HCG diet, the Atkins Diet usually emphasizes on completely eliminating the carbohydrates thus provoking the system to pass through the stage of ketosis. Ketosis is an abnormal condition that is associated with the increased level of ketone bodies in the body. It is usually experienced in case of diabetes mellitus, and abnormal fat metabolism. Long term ketosis can often progress to a serious form eventually resulting in liver damage. Hence, the Atkins Diet received some criticism as the portion sizes need not be restricted which was later altered by introducing healthy fats, nutrition and portion control.

These two diets can be differentiated by a fact that one should take restricted number of calories while on an hcg diet, while the one on Atkins diet requires fewer carbohydrates. The HCG diet plan uses HCG hormone injections which is unique when compared to the Atkins diet that requires low carbs diet.

The HCG diet allows the intake of some carbohydrates like Melba toast and breadsticks and it ensures one from taking necessary amount of carbs daily thus preventing ketosis. In contrary, the Atkins diet includes cutting-off all essential carbs in your daily diet thus predisposing to ketosis condition in addition to weakness, low energy levels and fatigue. In addition, the HCG diet causes permanent weight loss by resetting the hypothalamus gland to permanently get used to intake of smaller increments of nutritious food.

In conclusion, the HCG diet protocol is the best as it provides enough energy to stick to diet without quitting and it causes no nasty side effects like flatulence and bad breath as seen in Atkins diet. The side effects of HCG diet include blood clots, restlessness, depression and headache.

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